   Maya Pindyck, Out of Lezley, gouache on wood panel, 9”x12”, 2016
  Tereza Swanda, Spot Light, transfer on soap, colored tape and Velcro on light, 3.5” x 3.5” x .75”, 2016
   Angela Rose Voulgarelis, Three Girls, oil on canvas, 58”x46”, 2015-16
   Embroidery Circle as a form of Protest,  as part of Angela Voulgarelis’ participatory project, Airing Dirty Laundry, 1/21/2017 “Don’t be too shrill, quiet, polite, rude.”
 Embroidery Circle as a form of Protest, Airing Dirty Laundry,  1/21/2017  For Fletcher Boote, Like Night and Day, found and recorded sound, 00:05:58, 2016  Listen here
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